A spring-flowering shrub or small tree of the genus Crataegus. 山楂属的一种春季开花的灌木或小乔木。
Any of various usually thorny trees or shrubs of the genus Crataegus having clusters of white or pinkish flowers and reddish fruits containing a few one-seeded nutlets. 山楂一种山楂属乔木或灌木,通常带刺,有白色或粉色花簇和微红色内有一些单籽小核的果实。
Dendrograms of the genus Crataegus were drawn separately based on the RAPD marker and the ISSR marker. 分别绘制了基于RAPD标记和基于ISSR标记的山楂属植物分子系统进化树。
It is the first time to analyze the genetic diversity of Crataegus germplasms with molecular marker techniques and the results indicated that the genus Crataegus had abundance genetic diversity. 首次利用分子标记技术对山楂属植物资源进行遗传研究,表明山楂属植物存在较高的遗传多样性。